I humbly dedicate this site to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and pray that those that visit will be touchd and blessed through their vist. May God surround you with His love, peace and Mercy. Amen
Thank you for visiting. Please take note each page varies in length, so be sure to go from top to bottom. Thank you!!!!
Mark 10:27 With God ALL things are possible...have faith!!! And Praise the Lord, as of February 27, 2003, I am now an ordained minister!!!!!!!!
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Let Your Imagination Fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ya'll
So Glad you could drop by!!!!
Just Little Ole Me.
Hi and welcome to my dream world. I am Pam or sometimes referred to as "Pammie". I am also Reverend Pamela Rose Penrod, I became an ordained minister on Feb. 25, 2003 and all though God is number one in my life, I am also avid writer. If you're like me, you love words. They are the verbal swords of the past and the rocket fuel that powers the future. I have had poems published 7 times and am currently in negotiations for my first book, "Internet Truths and Deadly Lies". My Literary Agent is doing the publisher negotiating thing...that's her ballgame. i just write it and in some cases..live it. I am a strong believer in writing, in that everyone should write in some form or fashion. Even if it's to only keep a daily journal. You make many self-discoveries through writing, particularily in a journal....You would be amazed. I think deeply and am very passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy your stay with me.
IMPORTANT..PLEASE READ:This site has been developed for entertainment purposes.........Throughout my site, you will see many animations and other unique items. Please feel free to right click, save and use on your own site. As you view each page, give it a moment as there are many animations and it takes a few seconds to see the benefits. Of course, I did not create all the animations, obviously, and for the most part I have no idea who did. If I did, I would most certainly give credit, where credit is due. If you recognize something as being yours, please notify me an I will give you the credit you so well deserve...thank you for your kindness and patience.